Chris Helme - Brighouse Heritage
Brighouse Co-op moving with the times!

Brighouse Co-op is certainly getting ahead with the opening of its new haiurdressing salon shown here during the late 1960s. There is no indication who the hairdresser is or who his first customer is in the chair. But Walter Bond the General Manager (left) and Clifford Hartley the Co-op Board President watch on, maybe it's their turn next! 

A little bit of Park Street - familiar traders but they have all gone

Here is just a small section of Park Street. All these business premises have changed not only the tenants/owners but what they sell as well.  First on the right is Walter Robinson's electrical shop. This property was built on the site of some very old 19th century properties that were demolished. Robinson's moved to this site after their own shop in Bradford Road near to the junction with Hangram Street was demolished to make way for the new bypass which was built during the late 1960s and early 1970s. 

The changing face of Market Street

This photograph of Market Street will take you back 25 may be 30 years. Some readers will be able to remember all these shops. From the right firstly there was Eurocar, some of you might even remember when it was Willart’s, who actually started in Briggate roughly where the entrance is to what was Wilko's. Next is a doubled fronted cafe with the name Shelagh's Cookhouse, but who was Shelagh? Was it a real name or just a trading name? 

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London Light Music Meetings Group

Harrison Lord - art, photography, framing

Nature Inks - computer supplies online seller

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